Nonlinear integral equations

Nonlinear integral equations are a vital area of study in mathematics, offering applications in diverse fields such as physics, engineering, and biology. These equations, characterized by the presence of nonlinear terms involving the unknown function, are inherently more complex than their linear counterparts. Despite these challenges, recent advancements in analytical and numerical methods have made … Read more

Fredholm integral equations

Integral equations are fundamental tools in mathematical physics, with a rich history of application in solving boundary value problems, initial value problems, and various real-world phenomena. Among the integral equations, Fredholm integral equations hold particular importance due to their extensive applications in areas such as elasticity, fluid mechanics, electromagnetic theory, and mathematical physics. The study … Read more

Converting BVP to Fredholm integral equations

A Boundary Value Problem (BVP) involves solving a differential equation with conditions specified at the boundaries of the domain. Many BVPs, especially linear ones, can be reformulated as Fredholm integral equations. This conversion leverages integral equation theory to simplify certain problems and offers numerical and analytical advantages. Mathematical Background Boundary Value Problem (BVP) A typical … Read more

Converting IVP to Volterra equations

In mathematical analysis, converting an Initial Value Problem (IVP) for a differential equation into an equivalent Volterra Integral Equation is a standard approach. This transformation is crucial in numerical methods, as integral equations can sometimes be easier to handle computationally. Mathematical Background Initial Value Problem (IVP) An IVP typically involves solving a differential equation along … Read more

Classification of integral equations

Integral equations are classified based on various criteria, such as the limits of integration, the linearity of the equation, the position of the unknown function, and other structural properties. Understanding these classifications is essential for selecting the appropriate method of solving an integral equation. Classification Criteria Based on the Limits of Integration Fredholm Integral Equations:The … Read more

Historical background of the integral equation

The development of integral equations has been closely tied to the evolution of mathematics and physics. The field arose as a natural extension of differential equations and integration, largely in response to problems in physics, engineering, and astronomy. Integral equations became a powerful tool for solving a broad range of problems, including boundary value problems … Read more