Fundamentals of Spatial Filtering

In this article, we introduce several basic concepts underlying the use of spatial filters for image processing. Spatial filtering is one of the principal tools used in this field for a broad spectrum of applications, so it is highly advisable that you develop a solid understanding of these concepts. Spatial filtering is a crucial concept … Read more

Histogram Processing in Image processing

Histogram processing is a crucial technique in image processing, primarily used for image enhancement. It involves the analysis and manipulation of the histogram of an image to improve its visual appearance or to extract meaningful information. Here’s a detailed explanation of the mathematical concepts and methods involved in histogram processing: 1. Histogram Definition A histogram … Read more

An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Digital image processing is a discipline that applies mathematical and computational techniques to the representation, enhancement, analysis, and reconstruction of images. Its applications span various fields, including medical imaging, remote sensing, computer vision, and photography. This note delves into the fundamental mathematical tools and concepts that underpin digital image processing, offering insights into how these … Read more

Some Basic Relationships between Pixels

Understanding the relationships between pixels is fundamental in digital image processing, as it forms the basis for various operations such as filtering, segmentation, and feature extraction. In this discussion, we explore some basic relationships between pixels, including spatial adjacency, intensity similarity, and neighborhood connectivity. By comprehending these relationships, we gain insights into how pixels interact … Read more

Image Sampling and Quantization

The output of most sensors is a continuous voltage waveform whose amplitude and spatial behavior are related to the physical phenomenon being sensed. To create a digital image, we need to convert the continuous sensed data into digital form. This involves two processes: sampling and quantization Basic Concepts in Sampling and Quantization An image may … Read more

Image Sensing and Acquisition

Most images we encounter are produced through a combination of an illumination source and the interaction (reflection or absorption) of energy from that source by elements within the scene being captured. The term “illumination” and “scene” are broad concepts that extend beyond the common scenario of a visible light source illuminating a typical three-dimensional scene. … Read more

Elements of Visual Perception

The field of digital image processing is deeply rooted in mathematical and probabilistic frameworks. However, alongside these foundations, human intuition and analysis hold significant sway in determining which techniques are employed. Often, these decisions hinge on subjective, visual evaluations. Therefore, acquiring a foundational understanding of human visual perception marks a crucial initial step in our … Read more

Digital Image Processing

Introduction Digital image processing refers to the manipulation of digital images using a digital computer. A digital image consists of a finite number of elements, each with a specific location and value. Various terms including picture elements, image elements, pels, and pixels know these elements. The term “pixel” is the most commonly used to refer … Read more